When asked to share why I support this parish, I realized I had the opportunity to look deeper into my involvements at Saints James and Andrew. The church is small enough so that I can become acquainted with most people, and large enough to offer a variety of programs. I appreciate the sense of committed community that is expressed in our support for parishioners through groups like Pastoral Care and Caregivers’ Support and our varied outreach support efforts to our broader community such as Sunday Sandwiches, Second Helpings, Whitney’s Pantry, Emmaus Companions and Green Team events. I love the varied Episcopal liturgies our clergy bring to us and the music. The sermons and liturgies challenge me to consider my spiritual life beyond my time in church and help me focus in a positive way. Every time I hear “All are welcome at this table, no exceptions,” I feel grateful to be here. I am also grateful for the learning opportunities the parish has offered including Sacred Ground, an insight into racism and my privilege as a white person, and Renewal Works, a parish-wide exploration of spiritual growth. As a person committed to environmental action I feel profoundly grateful for our clergy, our diocese, the Episcopal church and the many people here who share my commitment. It’s been difficult and useful to think about why I support this parish during the stewardship season because I realize how much I value its continued well-being. Comments are closed.
October 2024