As part of the pastoral ministry of The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew, we offer burial services to parishioners and to family members of active parishioners. The clergy and lay leadership of the church are accustomed to working with local funeral directors to arrange for such needs. Since there is usually a limited amount of time available for planning, one should contact the clergy as soon as possible to make such arrangements. We encourage you to read our Funeral Policy.
Upon losing your loved one
If you have recently lost a loved one, and would like to have an Episcopal funeral or memorial service, please contact the clergy. They will guide you through planning the service using the service planning checklist which you view by clicking the button below, if you would like to begin planning.
Advanced Arrangements
Pre-planning is always advised. You can use the same service planning checklist (view by clicking the button below) to make advanced arrangements for you or your loved one’s funeral. We encourage you to keep a copy in your personal records, with a loved one, and with the clergy.
Legacy Giving
Since their founding, Saint James in 1812 and Saint Andrew’s in 1872, both parishes have been the grateful beneficiaries of significant bequests. These legacy gifts funded the improvement of church buildings and grounds, and have helped to sustain the mission and ministries of our parishes. In the third century of our congregational life, and now as a merged parish, we stand on the shoulders of all those who supported Saint James and Saint Andrew’s before us. The Third Century Society has been formed to recognize those who have made known their planned gift by bequest or other means to Saints James & Andrew.